Steps To Create A New Instance In Alibaba Cloud

Steps To Create A New Instance In Alibaba Cloud

In this blog, we will show you the steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud Environment.


  • Minimum free tier subscription with Alibaba cloud.

Note: Please follow this URL to create a free trial with Alibaba cloud.


Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Click on the Log In link.
  • Provide your login credentials and select Sign In.
  • Once we logged into the portal, click on the console option.
  • Click on the  button to expand the products list. Now select the Elastic Computing Service under Elastic Computing Section.
  • Click on the Instances link.
  • Make sure that you have selected the correct region on the top left-hand corner before creating the instance. Then click on the create instance button.
  • Select the Billing method and region as per your need. For this demo, we select the PayAsYouGo method and Region as Asia Pacific SOU 1 (Mumbai) Zone A.
  • For demo purpose, we select 2vCPU and 2 GB RAM from the drop-down list.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Then select the corresponding instance checkbox.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Select the number of instances to create using this configuration. For demo purpose, we specified 1 unit.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • You can specify the OS disk size also we can add the data disk for your instance.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Click Next for Networking
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud


Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Also, we can set the bandwidth usage for your instance using the given slide bar.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Click next for the system configuration window.


  • Set the password for your administrator account.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Provide the instance and hostname.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Click Next for Grouping.
  • Provide a tag for your instance and click preview.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • Preview all your selected settings and accept the service level agreement. Then click on the Create Instance button.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • A new window will popup with below message. Click on console button.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • After a few minutes, your instance will be in the running state.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud
  • You can able to access the server through RDP using the Internet IP address.
Steps to create a new instance in Alibaba Cloud

Thanks for reading this blog. We hope it was useful for you to learn about creating an instance in Alibaba cloud environment.
