Import And Export Docker Images For Windows Container

Import and Export Docker images for windows container

In this blog, we will show you how to import and export docker images from one server to another using docker commands.


  • We need two windows container host with docker service installed.

In this demonstration, we are using two windows container host as container1 with IP and container2 with IP


  • Login into container1 host and create a new folder named images under c:\ drive using below command

New-Item -ItemType directory -Path c:\ -name images

import and export docker images
  • Type docker images command to list the available images on the server.
import and export docker images
  • In the demo, we are exporting the assistanz247/nanoserver-iis:latest image. To export the image use the below command.

SYNTAX: docker save -o c:\images\nanoserver.tar assistanz247/nanoserver-iis

docker save – Sub command to save the docker images.

-o – To specify the out file path

c:\images\nanoserver.tar – The path and the filename to save the image.

nanoserver-iis – Image Name

import and export docker images
  • Once it’s complete. The nanoserver.tar file will be available on c:\images folder.
import and export docker images


  • Login into Container2 server and access the c:\images folder from container 1 through the network share.
import and export docker images
import and export docker images
  • Copy the nanoserver.rar to local folder named c:\temp
import and export docker images
import and export docker images
  • To import the image to docker, use the below command.

docker load –i c:\temp\nanoserver.tar

docker load – This is the sub-command for docker to import the image.

-i – To specify the TAR file path.

c:\temp\nanoserver.tar – The full path for TAR file.

import and export docker images
  • Type docker images command to verify the image availability.
import and export docker images


  • Launch a new container using the assistanz247/nanoservder-iis:latest image for verification.
import and export docker images
  • Image launch successfully without any problem.
import and export docker images

Thanks for reading this blog. We hope it was useful for you to learn how to import and export the windows container images.
