Import and Export Docker images for windows container
In this blog, we will show you how to import and export docker images from one server to another using docker commands.
- We need two windows container host with docker service installed.
In this demonstration, we are using two windows container host as container1 with IP and container2 with IP
- Login into container1 host and create a new folder named images under c:\ drive using below command
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path c:\ -name images
- Type docker images command to list the available images on the server.
- In the demo, we are exporting the assistanz247/nanoserver-iis:latest image. To export the image use the below command.
SYNTAX: docker save -o c:\images\nanoserver.tar assistanz247/nanoserver-iis
docker save – Sub command to save the docker images.
-o – To specify the out file path
c:\images\nanoserver.tar – The path and the filename to save the image.
nanoserver-iis – Image Name
- Once it’s complete. The nanoserver.tar file will be available on c:\images folder.
- Login into Container2 server and access the c:\images folder from container 1 through the network share.
- Copy the nanoserver.rar to local folder named c:\temp
- To import the image to docker, use the below command.
docker load –i c:\temp\nanoserver.tar
docker load – This is the sub-command for docker to import the image.
-i – To specify the TAR file path.
c:\temp\nanoserver.tar – The full path for TAR file.
- Type docker images command to verify the image availability.
- Launch a new container using the assistanz247/nanoservder-iis:latest image for verification.
- Image launch successfully without any problem.
Thanks for reading this blog. We hope it was useful for you to learn how to import and export the windows container images.
