What is OpenVZ virtualization? – A simple guide.

OpenVZ Virtualization

​This blog aims to guide you with an overview of OpenVZ virtualization and its basic operations. So, what are waiting for? come let’s dive into the technological world of virtualization.

What is OpenVZ Virtualization?

OpenVZ Virtualization is an operating-system-level server technology that’s actually based on the Linux kernel and OS. OS-level virtualization means many basic components exist once on the machine and are used by all guests (like the identical kernel). That means that each container shares the same underlying OS but still operates as a secure, isolated Linux container.

​Each container performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server; a container can be rebooted independently and has root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications, system libraries, and configuration files. This way you use the resources more efficient

OpenVZ is a Linux-based virtualization platform, ​it can only run Linux-based operating systems such as Centos, Fedora, Debian…etc. One disadvantage of OpenVZ Virtualization is, that users are not able to do any kernel modifications. All virtual servers have to get along with the kernel version the host runs on.

It actually requires both the host and guest OS to be running Linux. Because OpenVZ uses a single patch Linux kernel, but since it doesn’t have the overhead accompanied by legitimate hypervisors it’s super-fast and extremely efficient. However, because it doesn’t have the overhead of a true hypervisor it is very fast and efficient.

​Advantages of OpenVZ virtualization:

Disadvantages of OpenVZ Virtualization

Basic operations in the OpenVZ environment

Here CTID represents the ID of a container (VPS – Virtual Private Server).

1.    Here is the command to list the running VPSs in a node

2. Here is the command to list running and stopped VPSs in a node


3. Here is the command to start a VPS


4. Command to stop or shutdown a VPS


5. Command to view the status of a VPS


6. Command to restart a VPS


7. In order to create a container in the node

Here CTID is the numeric ID for the container; osname is the name of the OS template for the container,  x.x.x.x is the IP address to be assigned to the container.

8. In order to enter a VPS


9. For Deleting a container

10. For Suspending a container

11. Command for Setting up a hostname for a Server

12. Command to add new IP to VPS

13. Command to Delete IP from VPS

14. Command to reset the root password of a VPS

15. To add NameServer IPs to VPS

16. Executing commands for a container from node


17. Command To check the resource usages
