How to create the Port forwarding in the kubernetes?

Steps To Create Port Forwarding In Kubernetes

Steps to create PORT forwarding

In this blog, we will show you the steps to create Port Forwarding in the Kubernetes Environment.


  • 2 Node Cluster ( 1 Master VM with 2 Nodes)
  • Kubernetes Components


  • Firstly, we need to install and configure the 2-node cluster in our environment. We had already installed and configured the 2 Node cluster in our demo environment. To learn more check our blog post.

Creating a POD using the Kubectl command

  • Login to the kubernetes master server through Putty.
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • Use the below command to create a POD.

Syntax: kubectl run <pod name> --image=<image-name> --port=<port number of container application> --generator=run-pod/v1

Example: kubectl run web-pod --image=nginx --port=80 --generator=run-pod/v1

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • POD was created successfully.
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • For more information about the generator, click here.
  • The new POD is available on the list.
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • We can also view the detailed information about the POD using the describe command.

kubectl describe pods web-pod

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes

Configure Port forwarding

  • Use the below command to create a Port forwarding for a container.

Syntax: kubectl port-forward <pod name> <local machine port>:<pod container port>

Example: kubectl port-forward web-pod 8888:80

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • The port forwarding is in a running state.
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • Open a duplicate session of the master server and access the container using the command.


Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • You can able to see the Nginx homepage.
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • This is an easy method to verify the container ports without creating the services.

Kubernetes Logs

  • We can verify the POD logs using the below command.

Syntax: kubectl logs <pod name>

Example: kubectl logs web-pod

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • You can able to see the POD logs as shown below.
Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • Use the below command to display the POD internal IP.

kubectl get pods -o wide

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • To display the POD configuration in YAML format.

Syntax: kubectl get pods <pod name> -o yaml

Example: kubectl get pods web-pod -o yaml

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes
  • To display the POD configuration in JSON format.

kubectl get pods web-pod -o json

Steps to create Port Forwarding in Kubernetes

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