How to create the K8s replication sets? – Simple guide

Steps To Create Replica Sets In The Kubernetes

Hello, we are excited to share with you the process of creating replication sets in Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that simplifies deploying and managing containerized applications. Replication sets are a fundamental feature of Kubernetes that ensures the high availability and scalability of your applications. In this blog, we will show you the Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes environment.

  • 2 Node Cluster ( 1 Master VM with 2 Nodes)
  • Kubernetes Components

Infrastructure Overview

  • To begin with, we need to install and configure the 2-node cluster in our environment. We had already installed and configured the 2 Node cluster in our demo environment. To learn more check our blog post.

Overview of PODs

  • Currently, there are four orphan PODs which was created by using the replication controller.
Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • All the PODs are labeled with app=web env=test.
  • We will show you how to add the orphan pods into a Replica Set.

Benefits of Replica sets

Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes

Creating a new replica set

  • From the master node, open the default text editor.
Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • Add the below script in the YML file.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: ReplicaSet
    name: rs-web
    replicas: 4
          app: web
             app: web
             env: test
          - name: rs-pod
            image: nginx

Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • Save and close the file.
  • Use the below command to create a new replica set.

kubectl apply -f rs.yml

Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • A new replica set is created successfully.
Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes

Verifying the replica set

  • Use the below command to view the list of replica sets available in your environment.

kubectl get rs

Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • It added the orphan pods into the replica set. Also, it has not created any additional pods for the replica set.
Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • We can also describe the replica set using the below command.

Syntax: kubectl describe rs <replica set name>

Example: kubectl describe rs rs-web

Steps to create Replica sets in the Kubernetes
  • There are more expressions available for the replica set and will share that information in future blogs.

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