Have you ever wondered how to take the total number of email accounts on a cPanel server? Understanding your server’s email infrastructure is essential to maintaining a seamless online presence in the dynamic world of web hosting. A thorough understanding of counting and managing these accounts efficiently is not merely an administrative task; it is a strategic imperative. In this blog post, we explore how to find the total number of email accounts on your cPanel server.
Importance of taking count on email accounts
The importance of monitoring and counting email usage on a cPanel server cannot be ignored, contributing to the overall performance, email security, and management of the server. Administrators can make informed decisions through regular monitoring and analysis of email usage data, resulting in a stable and efficient email hosting environment.
Finding an E-Mail account on the cPanel server
In order to find the total number of email user account lists under all cPanel domain users (or) just specific cPanel domain users, simply use the below scripts for your cPanel server.
1. Firstly add SSH to your server and download the following script.
# cd /usr/local/src/
# wget https://github.com/SSS015/compressed/archive/master.zip
2. Bingo! now, extract the zip file and type “cd” command to go to the “compressed-master” directory.
# unzip master.zip
# cd compressed-master
3. In order to unpack a tar file use the below command.
#tar -xvf email_account_list.tar
4. Now change the file permission and execute the bash script using the below commands.
#tar -xvf email_account_list.tar
5. Finally, we can see the output report on the terminal, after completing the script execution process. This output report will create a list of all of the email accounts on the server and what usernames they’re associated with.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog on “How to find the total email accounts on the cPanel server?.” We hope you found the information valuable and insightful. If you find any issues with the information provided in this blog don’t hesitate to contact us (info@assistanz.com).
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