Creating Custom NAT Network In Windows Container

NAT network

Creating custom NAT network in windows container

In this blog, we will show you creating custom NAT network in windows container using docker commands.


The windows container networks are similar to virtual networks like HYPER-V, VMWARE. The container will have virtual NIC which connected to a virtual switch. We can also create our own virtual networks, customize IP address space.


  • Go to PowerShell window and type the below command to get the network information.


Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • This network (NAT) defined by default while building the container host on windows 2016 server. The subnet that defined for this network is  As we spinning up the containers, the virtual NIC in this containers has been gone into this network. So containers have to use this network to reach the internet.


  • There are four types of network types available for docker networking. Go to PowerShell window and type below command to view the help page of new-containernetwork cmdlet.

help new-containernetwork

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • The four network driver options are NAT, Transparent, L2Bridge and L2Tunnel.

NAT – We will get the NAT (Network Address Translation) network by default. The container in this network will be in the isolated network. To reach the internet they need to use the IP address of windows container host.

Transparent –  It’s little bit different to NAT. Each container in this network will get an IP address from the physical network of windows container host. It’s similar to bridged network.

L2Bridge & L2Tunnel – These two networks drivers are using for public and private cloud deployments. It’s great for SDN (Software Defined Network) network environments. Typically we will use L2 type networks in multiple container host environments.

  • Go to PowerShell window and type ipconfig command.
Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • You can see the virtual ethernet adapter that has an IP address as subnet mask as Our physical network has the IP address of and subnet mask as
  • By default, the containers that we launch in this container host will go to 172 network.
  • Launching a container using docker run command to check the default NAT networking.

docker run –it microsoft/nanoserver

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Once the container is up and running, type ipconfig inside the container.
Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • The IP address that has assigned to this container is Since NAT has been configured, we will able to ping the internet domain.
Creating custom NAT network in windows container


  • As if we are using this address space 172.18 already, we can create our own NAT network for our environment. To do that, stop the docker service using below command.

stop-service docker

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Remove all the container network using the below command.

Get-ContainerNetwork | Remove-ContainerNetwork

Press A to confirm the deletion.

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • To customize the address space for NAT network, we need to add the content in the daemon.json file. Use the below command to create the daemon.json file under C:\ProgramData\docker\config folder.

New-Item –ItemType file –Path C:\ProgramData\docker\config –Name daemon.json

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Navigate the C:\ProgramData\docker\config folder using invoke-item command.

invoke-item c:\programdata\docker\config

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Add the below content in daemon.json file.

“fixed-cidr” : “”

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Save the file and close it.
  • Start the docker service using below command.

Start-Service docker

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Docker service is up and running fine. Check the NAT networking status using below command.


Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • The subnet CIDR has been changed to network. We have successfully modified network address space.
  • Create a new container and make sure this new network works. Create a new container using the below command.

docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver

Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Once the container is up and running type ipconfig to check the IP address information.
Creating custom NAT network in windows container
  • Also, we are able to ping the internet domain without any problem.
Creating custom NAT network in windows container

Thanks for reading this blog. We hope it was useful for you to learn how to create a custom NAT networking in windows container.
